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Yee-haw! Mini mule ;o; hot wings ;o; the palettes you chose &, oh boy, those last few frames were just so fantastic. Excellent bitsy experience!!

yeehaw!! thank you so much 🤠

I loved this! The animations were spectacular! Such a great setting and the ranch part made me laugh XD 

god chicken nuggets got me yellin jdjfjf once I thought about raising livestock free range on your own home on the range I kind of went feral 🤠

it paid off XD great game!

so beautiful!! best bitsy clouds ive seen and the flow at the end was so lovely <3

thank you, this was so fun to make n I'm glad you appreciate it 😌

it's a really pretty game! 

Love the colour palettes and the setting!

thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed playing 🥺